University Baptist Church of Baton Rouge is a faith community striving to think critically, live creatively, and love continually.
Glorify God and share God's love through worshiping with a spirit of openness.
Proclaim the message of God’s salvation through Jesus Christ to our community and the world.
Teach, equip, and nurture people to grow in Jesus and serve as He served.
Minister to the needs, hurts, and joys of all people within and beyond our church fellowship.
Because we affirm the two principal tenets of the Baptist faith tradition:
Priesthood of the Believer
Every person is called to be a priest, and therefore every believer is responsible for his or her relationship with God, with others, and with creation.
Autonomy of the local church
Each church should be a unique expression of its God-given calling to its members, the community, and the world.
Proclaim the message of God’s salvation through Jesus Christ to our community and
We pledge ourselves by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk in Christian love; to be just in our dealings with one another; and to strive for the spiritual growth of our community through worship, proclamation, education, and ministry....
We promise to watch over one another; to remember one another in prayer; to help one another in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy... but always to be ready for reconciliation and mindful of the example of our Savior.
"Why UBC" Video Series
"Why UBC" Video Series

"Why UBC" - David and Debbie Crifasi

"Why UBC"- Sheri and Bill Wischusen

"Why UBC" - Glenn Linzer

"why UBC"- Charles and Martha Forbes

"why UBC" - Liz and Rebecca

"Why UBC" - Jean Paul and Lauren Clinard

"Why UBC" - Nancy and Don Garland