In 2010, the concept that would become the Mosaic Church of Clayton was born. From its conception, we knew that God wanted us to approach the church differently. Sure, there were lots of churches that did High Church or Contemporary worship well. Lots of churches were excelling in programmatic ministry. There were plenty of seeker-friendly churches around town.
However, was anyone focusing on community, genuine and relevant relationships beyond the confines of the church walls? So, we leaned heavily on this idea, creating new ways to gather for spiritual formation, worship, serving, and enhancing our journey.
What I experienced over eight years was the beauty of authentic relationships within a faith community. We shared joys and celebrations, conflict and disappointment, frustrations, and triumph together.
It wasn’t easy and carefree. It was difficult, requiring each person actually to commit to being the church together.
But when has anything worth making a difference in our lives and the world not required a degree of commitment, grit, and exertion?
University Baptist Church is in the process of being an authentic and relevant community. The challenge of this feat is no more evident than during this COVID-19 crisis. Disillusion, uncertainty, and fatigue run high.
And yet, making something together that will change our lives and the world matters more than ever.
Together, we are an artist standing in front of a blank canvass with all the supplies needed before us. But what will we make together?
As the magnificent Van Gogh put it, “There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.”
Let’s start on this masterpiece together by first caring for one another in a real, authentic, relevant, and transcendent way. Let's go beyond routine care by abundantly loving one another. Let us see what happens when a faith community cares for one another.