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Care Packages for Highland Elementary

Updated: Aug 10, 2020

For over 30 years, University Baptist Church has partnered with Highland Elementary School. We donated time, attention, care packages, words of encouragement, and so much more.

More than ever, the staff and students of our neighborhood school need a healthy partner in UBC.

There are 35 teachers, four teacher assistants, and two administrative staff walking down an unfamiliar path during this crisis. We want to provide each of these staff members with a package of encouragement and care.

We invite you to sign up to provide a care package for one of these 41 staff members. The care package should include candy, a $6 gift card to Lighthouse Coffee or CC’s, a small hand sanitizer bottle, lip balm, and something fun of your choosing.

We want to equip you to be the hands and feet of Jesus by pouring time, care, and attention into making one of these packages. This is why we are asking you to prepare the packages versus donating towards the project.

Once you have purchased the items, drop by the church office to fill one of the official package bags, and write a personal note to put on the finishing touch. The office will be open on Sundays 9-11:30 am, and, Monday through Thursday, 9 am-4:30 pm.  

We are extending the collection of Care Packages through Thursday, August 13.


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