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Drive-In Movie at UBC: December 11

Updated: Dec 9, 2020

You are invited on December 11th @ 6pm to enjoy a safe socially-distanced Drive-In movie at University Baptist Church (5775 Highland Rd.)! We know that fun and safe opportunities to get out of the house are harder to come by these days, and we are excited to provide this for you! Invite your friends! All are welcome!


Important things to know before you arrive:

  • Food and treats will be available for purchase from Uno Dos Tacos and City Gelato at 6 pm promptly so arrive early to accommodate.

  • Audio will be transmitted through your radio, so bring a car with a functioning radio! (sorry, no Model-T's for this event)

  • For this drive-in, we are introducing a first come, first served blanket seating area!

  • Popcorn is free!

  • All of our staff will be wearing masks, washing their hands, and using hand sanitizer

  • Clean restrooms will be available!

  • SUV's will be parked in the back to clear the view for others! (bring a shorter vehicle if you're able!)

  • Admission is $5 per vehicle until November 29th. It will be $10 per vehicle afterward.

  • Sign up using the form below:


In order to make the Drive-In Movie a reality, we need parking attendants, snack distributors, exit attendants. All volunteers get their choice of parking spots for the movie as they arrive early.

Parking attendants will arrive by 5:30 pm on the ball field for placement and instructions.

Snack Distributors will arrive by 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall for preparation and distribution instructions.

Exit attendants will meet at 6:45 pm next to the check-in tent for instructions for ushering vehicles at the conclusion of the movie.

Please sign up with the following link, form, or contact the office:


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