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Fall Gathering – October 24

Updated: Oct 13, 2021

Join UBC’s annual Fall Gathering on Sunday, October 24th on the Highland-Road-side parking lot. The event will kick off with games, hayrides, a free dinner, and a chili cook-off, from 4-5:30 pm. At 5:40 pm, we will host a Trunk-or-Treat.

Help raise money for our partnership in Ecuador by purchasing a $10 sampling pass for the chili cook-off. You can also purchase 3 voting tickets for $5 to help decide the winner of the contest.

Enter the Chili Cook-Off

Enter the Fall Gathering Chili Cook-Off for $25 per contestant and a chance to win ¼ of the entry fees. The proceeds from the contest will benefit our partnership in Ecuador. Follow these steps to enter:

  1. Complete the contestant registration form by Thursday, October 21:

  2. Cook a large crockpot of the chili of your choice.

  3. Arrive at the Fellowship Hall by 4:00 pm with a spoon, serving ladle, and extension cord. Cups and tasting spoons will be provided.

  4. Bring $25 cash

  5. Check-in with Andy, picking up a chili contestant name tag and table sign.

Contestants will serve tastings of chili to guests with a purchased sample pass. Votes will be submitted by tasters to decide the winner.

Consider Volunteering

With UBC’s Fall Gathering right around the corner, we need a lot of volunteers to make the event a reality. Here is a snapshot of the volunteer opportunities:

  • Set-Up Event, 2:30-3:45 pm

  • Meal Shift 1, 3:15-4:30 pm

  • Meal Shift 2, 4:30-6:00 pm

  • Welcome & Registration, 3:45-5:15 pm

  • Games Shift 1, 3:45-4:40 pm

  • Games Shift 2, 4:40-5:30 pm

  • Hayride Shift 1, 3:45-4:40 pm

  • Hayride Shift 2, 4:40-5:30 pm

  • Trunk or Treat, arrive by 3:45 pm, host 5:40-6:00 pm

  • Breakdown, 6:00-6:45 pm

Sign up here to volunteer or call the office:


Fall Gathering

Volunteer Guide

Why You Matter

We hope to bring an intentional, warm, and cheerful presence to each participant. Most people attending the event will be UBC members, families from the MDO, and participants of the Soccer Academy.

To ensure that all guests are encountered with hospitality, please be on the lookout for people as they approach your area of service. Be prepared to put your conversation on hold.

We are, therefore, grateful that unique individuals, such as yourself, will have personal

encounters with each patron. Thank you for your willingness to serve.

There will be a limited number of spots available in the south parking lot that are not taken up by the Trunk-or-Treat, Chili Cook-off, or other games and activities. So, most volunteers and attendees should plan to park in the north parking lot near the office.

Below are the specific guidelines for each area of service. If you have any questions about your role, please contact the church office before the event or find a staff member the day of the event.

Volunteer Schedule

2:30 pm Set-Up

3:15 pm Meal Shift 1 Volunteers Arrives

3:30 pm Parking Attendees and Hayride Shift 1 Volunteers Arrive

3:45 pm Welcome, Game Shift 1, and Trunk or Treat Volunteers Arrive

4:30 pm Meal Shift 2 Volunteers Arrive

4:40 pm Game Shift 2 and Hayride Shift 2 Volunteers Arrive

5:30 pm Games and Hayride Conclude

5:40 pm Trunk or Treat

6:00 pm Breakdown

Food Station

Food Station Set-Up

The food station consists of three serving tables. These three tables should be placed on the sidewalk directly in front of the Fellowship Hall.

One table will serve as the drink table with a water and lemonade cooler, along with iced cups.Plates and napkins should be placed on the table at the other end of the coolers.

One table will be the serving table with a place to put down made plates, a pan of hotdogs, and veggies.

One table will serve as the food table for storing extra pans and plates.

Hot dogs need to be boiled, drained, stuck in a bun, placed in a cooking pan, and covered with aluminum foil.

Carrots, celery, and zucchini should be cut into sticks, placed in a separate cooking pan, and covered with aluminum foil.

The water cooler should be filled and iced down.

Lemonade should be made in the cooler and iced down.

Ice chest should be filled and placed behind the drink table.


Every event participant must receive a wristband. This is to ensure that all participants have checked in at the Welcome Table and help us monitor who is on the property.

If you see someone without a wristband, please kindly invite them to check in at the table.

To protect all guests, food will be served by the meal team. Patrons may request what they’d like on the plate, starting with two hot dogs for adults/teens and one hot dog for children. People may return for seconds.

Please ask all patrons to use hand sanitizer before handling the condiments.

The hot dogs and veggies are free. However, the chili cook-off requires purchased tickets.

Breaking Down

At 5:40 pm, the remaining food items should be placed in the refrigerators.

Pans should be washed and dried.

Game Attendants

Please arrive on time to familiarize yourself with the game. Also, please read the descriptions of the games below before you come. Finally, please stay at your station.

Bean Toss

Supplies: Board, 4 bean bags (few extra)

Player tosses beanbags into holes. 300 points total or more wins a prize.

Hole in One

Supplies: Green board, putter, 3 balls (3 extra)

Player gets shots to hit a hole in one. Winner gets a prize.

Skee Roll

Supplies: Two piece board, wooden balls

Player rolls 4 times, 200 points wins. If that seems too hard, any shot that goes in wins a prize.

Tic Tac Toe

Supplies: Board, 2 colors of beanbags (5 each color)

Two-player – players run one at a time and put the beanbag on a spot. Winner of tic tac toe gets a prize. If cats game, no one gets prize.

Tin Pan Alley

Supplies: Two piece board, three rubber baseballs

Player rolls 3 balls. If two of the balls match color, they win a prize.

Hoop Shot

Supplies: Backboard with hoop, net, 3 basketballs (one extra)

Player gets three shots to make a basket. Winner gets a prize.

Duck Pond

Supplies: Pond and sign, ducks

Player reaches hand into hole. If they pull out a duck, they get a prize.


First shift: Make plans to arrive no later than 3:30 pm, loading up hay before pulling onto the field. We will drive the path together, discuss techniques, and walk through the loading and unloading process.

Second shift: Meet the truck you’ll be driving at the loading point.

The Hayride will have a queue of three to four trucks following a marked-off path. Please watch the following video to see the route: clicking here.

You are free to decorate your truck, but do not feel obligated. We will provide the hay.

Parking Attendees

Two parking lot attendees will arrive by 3:30 pm and help direct vehicles to the appropriate parking areas. All Trunk-or-Treat vehicles should be in place before this time.

One parking lot attendee should stand at the entrance to the south parking lot (closer to Highland Rd.), and one should stand at the entrance to the north parking lot (by the office).

Once the limited extra spaces in the south parking lot are filled, one parking lot attendee should place cones at the south parking lot entrances, and all other vehicles should be directed to the north parking lot.

The parking lot attendees are free to participate in other activities after 4:30 pm once the cones are placed at the entrance to the south parking lot. One of the attendees should remove the cones at the conclusion of the event at 6:00 pm.

The parking lot volunteers will often be the first contact Fall Gathering attendees have at the event. Our goal is to provide an intentional, warm, and cheerful welcome to each participant.

Trunk or Treat

Arrival and Setup

The designated Trunk-or-Treat parking spots are located in the south parking lot adjacent to the education building. This area is shown in a green outline on the included map. Please arrive and park in the designated area by no later than 3:45 pm. The Trunk-or-Treat area of the parking lot will not be accessible after this time. While the Trunk-or-Treat portion of the Fall Gathering will not take place until 5:40 pm, you are welcome to set up your vehicle as soon as you arrive.


Car decorations are not required. However, engaging thematic displays can help provide a fun and welcoming environment to all who attend. Volunteers are encouraged to show off their creativity when preparing their cars for young Trunk-or-Treaters and their families. The most critical aspect will be to engage attendees with a warm attitude and provide them with a safe and welcoming atmosphere.


Volunteers should be prepared to provide pre-packaged treats for as many as 75 Trunk-or-Treaters.

Dedicated Time

The Trunk-or-Treat is the final item on the Fall Gathering schedule. It will begin at 5:40 pm and last until 6:00 pm Volunteers should be at their cars and ready to receive Trunk-or-Treaters before 5:40 pm. Please do not pass out treats before the Trunk-or-Treat time begins to encourage attendees to participate in all aspects of our Fall Gathering fully.

Breaking Down

When the Trunk-or-Treat ends at 6:00 pm, please break down any decorations and pick up any trash from your area before you prepare to leave. If you run out of treats before 6:00 pm, please plan to leave any decorations set up at your vehicle until the end of the scheduled time. To provide a safe area for all Trunk-or-Treaters throughout the scheduled time, cars will not be able to exit from the Trunk-or-Treat area until after 6:00 pm.

Welcome Table

All event participants, church members included, must register at the Welcome Table and receive an event wristband. This will allow us to personally follow up with each participant and ensure a safer environment for all involved.

Guests will receive a Welcome Bag with information about UBC.

The Welcome Table will also manage selling Tasting Passes and Voting Tickets for the Chili Cook-Off. Tasting Passes are $10, and Voting Tickets are $5 for 3.

Two of the Welcome Table volunteers should manage the table, while the third volunteer will flag down event participants to check-in at the table.


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