We have a few key updates about the upcoming Academy that we are putting in place to help ensure the success and safety of our players and their families.
Start Date Shifting to October 3
We recognize that the coming weeks will be very stressful for children and their families as they adapt to the balance of online and in-person classes. Additionally, many schools are planning to return to in-person classes after Labor Day, which will add another layer of stress in the coming weeks. While children are resilient, this crisis adds extra pressure on them.
To assist with the potential for such a high level of stress, we are moving the start date to the six-week Academy to October 3. The Academy will still be six consecutive Saturdays, October 3 through November 17.
If the change in the schedule affects your ability to participate in the Academy, please let us know.
Early Bird Extended
With the change of the Academy start date, we are extending the Early Bird special through August 18. To receive a $10 discount, use the promo code “EARLYBIRD2020” at checkout.
Spring 2020 Player Registration
All returning players from the Spring of 2020 will play for free. You will still need to register, selecting “Returning Player from Spring 2020” on the form.
If you need a new uniform, these can be ordered in the registration.
If you are registering a new player and a returning player, this, too, can be done in the same registration form.
Please register by September 18: www.ubc-br.org/academy
Emphasis on Player Health and Safety
While we want to facilitate the Academy experience, we also do not want to contribute to the spread of this virus. Therefore, we are implementing new measures to protect player health and safety.
There will be a more significant emphasis on individual skill development versus extensive group engagement. This also means fewer players on a given field during the session.
Players should not participate if they have shown any signs of the virus in the last 14 days leading up to each session.
Individual water bottles will be kept in a specific zone, with each player given an assigned area.
Players will remain on an assigned field for the full duration of the session.
The coaching staff and other volunteers will wear face coverings at all times.
Emphasis on Parents/Supporters/Fans Health and Safety
We also want to protect the parents, supporters, and fans of the players.
Face coverings will be required for this group and maintaining 6ft of distance from individuals who are not in one’s family unit.
Unless registered as a volunteer, parents/supporters will not be allowed on the playing field.
Boost the Academy
Help us boast the Academy experience by sharing the opportunity with family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors with children, ages 3-10.
We are looking for group leaders, coaches, water station attendees, snack helpers, and set-up volunteers. Sign up to volunteer at www.ubc-br.org/academy
If you have any questions, please contact UBC’s office: 225-766-9474, manager@ubc-br.org.
We are humbled to have an opportunity to connect with you through the medium of soccer.
We are grateful for your partnership and look forward to our time together in the Fall.