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It's All Connected to Thriving

What are your thoughts on puzzles? I will buy a challenging puzzle with high hopes of completing it.

What I love most about a puzzle is not necessarily completing it but the beauty of how each tiny piece is intricately connected to others.

Have you ever considered that the thriving of a church results from intricately connected pieces that are eagerly placed together?

The difference between thriving and languishing is whether or not people see and engage the purpose behind why the church does what it does. Moreover, the difference between thriving and languishing is whether or not each church member considers the importance of themselves as part of the congregation.

Have you ever nearly finished a puzzle only to find a piece or two missing?

Each of us has a part to play in the thriving of University Baptist Church. Each one of us can bring our piece of the puzzle, helping build a complete picture of what God desires for us.

Sometimes the piece we need to add to the puzzle is merely letting others know that you will attend a Gathering because we realize that this two-hour event can build stronger relationships and trust that leads to the development of authentic community.

Sometimes the piece we need to add is sharing one Friday per month to care for UBC kids because we realize that creating a space for Young Adults to build relationships will spark outreach and evangelism, leading to the growth of our church.

Sometimes the piece we need to add to the puzzle is greeting others as they arrive on Sundays with hospitality and love because we realize that the first experience of a guest will determine their return and the church's subsequent growth.

Everything that we do as a church has a purpose. Our willingness to add our piece to the puzzle will determine our capacity for thriving.

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