The Coronavirus has disrupted our way of life. Work, relationships, eating, hobbies, exercise, church, and on and on, we have been living into a new normal.
But what if some of the disruptions have been healthy? What if some of things we thought were so important really weren’t? What if some of our busyness was self-imposed? What if many of the ways we spent our money wasn’t all that essential?
For many, as soon as the church starts talking about money, we roll our eyes and close our ears. Although some of these reactions are justified. Some might be convinced that the church wants my money and could care less about my well-being.
We are going to work through a short series on money that I have entitled, “Moneyball: Why Jesus Talks About Money So Much.” But what I would like to do in this series is not just talk about money, but talk about debt, our relationship with work, wants versus needs, generosity, and how God fits into all of this.
So, this conversation is going to center more on the 90% of our resources first, and later we will focus on the so-called 10% we give to God.
For many, talking about money as a church seems foreign; the two don’t go together. But did you know that the Bible addresses money over 2,172 times? To give us a little comparison, the Bible talks about “believing” 273 times, “praying” 371 times, and “love” 714 times.
Jesus spoke of money in 16 of his 38 parables. 1 out of 7 verses in Matthew, Mark & Luke is about money. This leaves us with Jesus talking about money 25% of the time.
Since God is so interested in money and possessions, let’s take a closer look at how it is connected to our faith journey.
We are starting a new series on Sunday, “Moneyball: Why Jesus Talks About Money, Work, & Busyness.”