The Wednesday Formation Groups are intended to bring a mid-week connection for UBC members and guests through a meal, a small group conversation for adults, as well as free-play for children.
Parents interested in providing a safe play space for children before the scheduled activities are free to arrive between 5 and 5:45 pm.
The meal will begin at 5:45 pm with a suggested donation of $3 per participant or $10 for families of four or more.
At 6:15 pm, children will relocate to the Children’s Branch for a time of spiritual formation and activities. Adults will begin the Formations Group time with a video introduction to the conversation topic and then break up into groups of 5-8 for open dialogue.
At 7:00 pm, the small groups will return for a large group wrap-up conversation and prayer.
At 7:15 pm, the Formation Groups will conclude, and the children will be picked up from the Children’s Branch.
Instead of a weekly meeting with no end date, we are hosting a series of 6-week groups meetings throughout the year, beginning in February. The groups will meet on the First, Second, and Third Wednesdays in the series.
For this first series, we will be studying Rob Bell’s Nooma videos that focus on essential questions about God, life, and our journey.
The first series will begin on February 5, meeting on the 5th, 12, and 19, breaking on February 26, and wrapping up with March 4th, 11th, and 18th.
If you are interested in participating, mainly for a meal preparatory standpoint, please contact Andy (andy@ubc-br.org).