Recently, I sat with my daughters, looking through old picture albums. They got a chuckle at the many awkward phases of my adolescents. Some of the pictures that got the most considerable laughter were the shots of me in my special Easter outfits, the pastel spring suits with bowties.
Easter was such a wonderful experience for me as a child. Yes, there was chocolate and treats. But it also meant that my grandparents came from Florida for a weekend of fun, games, and egg hunts.
When years go by, we will look back at the two Easter’s impacted by the pandemic with a much different view than what we have now. But for now, this pandemic has meant precious time away from family.
And, after such a bitter winter, our soul needs the season of Spring. This is a season of growth and renewal. It is a season in which the dormancy and death of winter give way to new life. As one person put it, “Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They open up and turn toward the light, and that makes them beautiful.”
While we are not yet out of this crisis, we are trying to create safe opportunities for beauty, memories, and renewal. One-way UBC is doing this is through this Sunday’s Spring Gathering. This is a much different experience than our annual picnic on the lawn, petting zoo, egg hunt, and fellowship.
Participants will safely experience a Meadow Ride, Bunny Hop (Trunk or Treat style egg share), and Easter games while maintaining a safe distance from others.
It’s not the same, but it is something worth investing in our time, attention, and participation. We hope that you and your family will make some new memories together, catching up from a distance with people you haven’t seen in a while, and kick off the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.