Join us for our Summer Gathering and Kids Club on August 8th at 4:00 pm.
Kids, ages infant through 5th grade, will enjoy activities, crafts, games, lessons, and dinner. Drop off will occur at the Children’s Branch entrance. Register here by Saturday, August 7th: https://form.jotform.com/211965313899165 .
Adults can pick one of the following activities: baking art, stencil drawings, party games, or disc golf. A dessert social will wrap up the event at 5:45 pm. Please sign up for one of the activities by clicking on this link or calling the office: https://form.jotform.com/211966110938155 .
The Summer Gatherings are intended to be a time to build stronger connections within and through UBC. We hope you will not only participate but invite others to join you.