Novelist Jim Butcher wrote, “You can't plan for everything or you'll never get started in the first place.”
For the last six-plus weeks, you have been reading and hearing about the Strategic Growth Initiative (SGI).
The SGI is an invitation into an extraordinary conversation about who we are, why we do what we do, and how we might experience exponential growth. Conversations will lead to brainstorming, testing of ideas, discernment of God’s leadership, and maneuvering to step into new practices.
We have invited you to prayerfully consider the role you will play in helping shape this discernment process.
Each member, whether the newest among us or tenured, has something to bring to this process.
You have immeasurable gifts, strengths, dreams, assets, wisdom, and insights. Each one of us brings a unique piece to the puzzle of this process.
The desire is to engage in a churchwide process, not seeking passive spectators, but active collaborators in the building of a multi-generational church.
This initiative is an invitation to share our presence.
Enough reading, listening, and considering. It’s time to start the process together.
On September 22nd, UBC will host a churchwide gathering designed to stir our imagination and spark our collaboration through the Strategic Growth Initiative. The Gathering will begin at 4:30 pm.
Each member will have the opportunity to try out an initiative team, which includes: Spiritual Formation Groups; Age-Specific Recruiting with various sub-teams (Silent/Traditionalist, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, Gen Z); Care Systems; Expansion of MDO; Connect Groups; Diverse Worship Experience; Soccer Academy; Online Presence.
You can find out more information about each team by reading the SGI overview, clicking here (https://www.ubc-br.org/sgi), or picking up a copy at the church.
The Gathering will have a potluck meal. Call the office or sign up here to bring an item
Will you join the conversation?