With its snow-topped volcano, diverse landscape, and extraordinary people, it is easy to see why this summer will be my tenth plus mission immersion to Ecuador.
Last year’s trip was a phenomenal experience as the team provided hygiene clinics, repaired churches, installed water filtration systems, and educated children.
A nearly 50 member team will depart for Quito, Ecuador, on June 10. Twenty members of the group are from UBC, with 27 joining from North Carolina.
The Ecuador team will build water filtration systems, help provide dental and medical care, work with children, and care for indigenous churches. We will be partnering with Rescate Ecuador, a ministry organized by Marco Vinicio and his family, who have been serving the Chimborazo region for two generations. Their work focuses on health, education, farming, and social care.
Many will not be able to go on the trip physically. However, you are invited to partner with these ministries. Here are a few potential opportunities for partnership.
For Ecuador, we will be collecting hygiene items for the trip, including toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, feminine products, pocket containers of lotion, bars of soap, Band-Aids, individual alcohol wipes, nail files, and wash cloths. Items can be placed in bins found in the Narthex, Office, and Fellowship Hall.
Also, consider sponsoring one of the ministry projects as an individual, Spiritual Formation class, or another small group. The water filtration system ($600 per system) will provide clean water to nearly 1,000 people over a few years. The ministry to children will need $250, while the various construction projects will need $500. Though these prices show the overall cost, you are invited to contribute what you can make plans a reality. You could also help provide financial assistance for team members. Donations should be marked for the Ecuador Mission Fund.
We hope you will find a way to partner with this year’s Ecuador Mission Immersion.