2020 has been a year that feels ten times as long. And yet, the stay-at-home order has merged days and months. I recently had a conversation with someone about something that happened recently, only to realize I was referring to something that had actually happened in February.
So, it is somewhat hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just weeks away. That is hard to believe. And for most families, this year’s holiday will look very different. Many families will be staying home instead of hitting the road and sharing meals over video calls rather than in-person.
While many of us are experiencing this pandemic's emotional and social anxiety, many others are experiencing economic devastation. These unsettling facts have elevated our community's disparity and given our faith community more visibly aware opportunities to do something about it.
In partnership with Highland Elementary School, UBC will provide 10-15 families with a Thanksgiving Meal Kit. The design of the project is to empower struggling families to make a meal together.
You can either sign up to donate specific items or provide a monetary contribution to the project. The estimated cost of an entire meal kit is $60.
Link for Monetary Contributions: https://form.jotform.com/202996200157151
Here are the items being collected: 12lb Turkey, Green Beans (fresh bag or two large cans), Sweet Potato Casserole (2 canned yams, brown sugar, pecan bag, marshmallows), Pumpkin Pie, Stuffing (2 boxes), Cranberries (2 bags), Dinner rolls (frozen bag).
Contributions need to be made or items donated by Sunday, November 15.
Items can be brought to the church office, Monday-Thursday, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. On Sundays, items will only be collected on November 8th and 15th, in the Fellowship Hall, at 9:15 am or 10:15 am.
To avoid collecting 5,000 bags of cranberries and only three boxes of stuffing, please sign up here or contact the office with the specific items you are contributing:
A team will be shopping for the remaining items on Monday, November 16, at 1:30 pm. If you would like to volunteer to shop with the team, please use the signup link or call the office.
As the great Maya Angelou wrote, “When you wish someone joy, you wish them peace, love, prosperity, happiness... all the good things.”