Have you found yourself thinking really hard on whether events that took place were this year or last year? I have painstakingly called these moments “Pandemic Brain,” as so much of the previous 24 months seems to blend together.
I’ll be the first to admit that when news of the virus first hit the American media circuit, I thought we would get through this in a few weeks or months max. But, boy, was I wrong.
And yet, despite all of the ups and downs, twists and turns, our faith community has thrived throughout this process. Of course, that doesn’t mean that we haven’t had learning curves and made a few mistakes along the way. But who can say that they excelled with perfection throughout this entire chaotic and unimaginable crisis?
One of the primary reasons we have thrived is directly correlated to our willingness to process this experience through open dialogue at all levels of leadership, among our many small group ministries, and in the worship space. We’ve asked some tough questions about ourselves and our church, considering what God is doing and how we might follow God’s leadership through this.
We are not out of this yet, and the future is unpredictable. But what we can continue to do is open our minds to God’s good creative potential and embrace a sense of togetherness as we strive forward.
We can intentionally do this through this Sunday’s shared Spiritual Formation and Sunday School hour. Led by Dr. Brian Foreman, UBC will engage in shared conversations to reimagine the church after this pandemic as a companion to our Little-Big Things Expressions (relationships, formation, missions, intergenerational connections, volunteering).
Foreman is Campbell University's Executive Director of Community Engagement & Leadership and a congregational consultant for the Center for Congregational Health and CBF Global.
We hope your Sunday School and Spiritual Formation class will join in this interactive conversation both in-person and online (Zoom ID: 923 023 2464, pass "UBC") at 9:00 am on March 6th.
Donuts and coffee will be available.
Dr. Foreman will also preach in worship, kicking off the Lenten season.
Let us continue to invest in a bright future with shared conversations.