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The Window: April 29, 2021

The Pane: Next is Driven by An Audacious Why

As all churches consider what next looks like after the pandemic, they must reflect on what is compelling them forward. By "what," I mean "why."

As an organizational guru, Simon Sinek put it, “Very few organizations can clearly articulate WHY they do WHAT they do. By WHY I mean your purpose, cause, or belief - WHY do you exist? WHY do you get out of bed every morning? And WHY should anyone care, let alone you? Most organizations understand how and what they do each day, but not why.”

Returning to the early church fresh of Jesus’ ascension, Acts' writer gives us a unique glimpse into their daily lives. Of course, we find the church devoting themselves to the teachings of Jesus, praying with one another, and worshiping God together.

However, what makes this passage in Acts 2:42-47 so fascinating was how they viewed the church's role in their lives outside of the churchy stuff, like praying, reading the Scriptures, and worshiping.

The writer tells us that they were sharing meals in each other’s homes, supporting each other’s businesses, responding to each other’s needs, and sharing their possessions and resources to care for those who needed them.

For the early church, their purpose was less of what they did—prayer, worship, study—and more of why they did it. They believed that the invitation was intrinsically fundamental to how they lived their lives by supporting, caring, and nurturing each other and their neighbor through the power of the Holy Spirit and the way of Jesus.

Why is about meaning, significance, and definition. A why must be audacious to the point that people are willing to center their lives around its purpose and meaning, not just for themselves, but its implications for the world.

As we stride forward with spiritual resilience, building upon our authentic relationships, may we turn to the audacious nature of why we exist as a faith community.

Drive-In Movie Night: Friday, April 30

UBC will host a Drive-In Movie on Friday, April 30th. Food Trucks will be onsite as the parking lot opens at 7:00 pm, with a 7:45 pm Movie.

Movie: Pixar’s Inside Out

Registration is $20 per vehicle. All cars will receive a free bag of popcorn.

Volunteers Needed for Drive-In Movie

In order to make the Drive-In Movie a reality, we need parking attendants, snack distributors, exit attendants. All volunteers get their choice of parking spots for the movie as they arrive early.

Parking attendants will arrive by 6:45 pm on the ball field for placement and instructions.

Snack Distributors will arrive by 6:45 pm in the Fellowship Hall for preparation and distribution instructions.

Exit attendants will meet at 8:45 pm next to the check-in tent for instructions for ushering vehicles at the conclusion of the movie.

Please sign up with the following link, form, or contact the office:

Memorial Service for Neil Odenwald

The first visitation for Neil Odenwald will be this Thursday, April 29, 6-8 pm. The second visitation will be Friday, April 30, 10 - 10:50 am with the funeral following at 11 am. All services will be held at University Baptist Church.

For those who cannot attend, watch via Zoom using the details below or click here:

Meeting ID: 923 023 2464

Password: ubc

Memorial Service for George A. "Bub" Haile

A memorial service for George A Haile was postponed in January due to Covid 19 concerns. In light of increased numbers of vaccinations, we feel that it is now safer to gather together. We look forward to celebrating his life with friends and family.

The memorial service for George A. "Bub" Haile will be held on Saturday, May 1 at 11:00am.

Broadmoor Baptist Church

9755 Goodwood Blvd

Baton Rouge, LA 70815

A visitation with light refreshments will be held at the church immediately following the service until 2pm. Those unable to be at the service are welcome to attend the visitation.

The service will be streaming online to watch here:


UBC’s Together After: Weekly Dialogue in Sunday School & Spiritual Formation Groups

As a part of our church’s discernment about what “Next” holds after the pandemic, we are inviting our Sunday School and Spiritual Formation groups to have a brief time at the beginning of each week’s session to pray for UBC and to discuss a question provided.

In turn, we are asking the group’s leader to send a snapshot of the weekly conversation to Russ Futrell (, Governing Board Chair, and Andy Hale (, Senior Pastor. These insights will provide meaningful data to the church leadership’s discernment process.

May 2: As we consider “Next,” what is a potential roadblock we might face? In turn, what is a proactive solution to overcome this roadblock?

Summer Book Club

Use the link below to take a brief survey:


Summer Gathering Poll

In the past, these events have centered on community and shared-interest activities. In planning, we want to know the types of activities that interest you. Please take a few moments to fill out this poll to give us helpful insight:

First Wednesdays, May 5th at 5:15 pm

We are hosting a First Wednesdays on May 5th. The evening is designed around a social distanced meal in the Fellowship Hall, with kids participating in age-based groups and adults gathering outside to catch up on life.

Meal participants will be assigned an individual table for their family with a pre-packaged meal.

The cost is $5 per adult and $3 for kids (2 and older). The meals will be simple with healthy kid-friendly options.

The meal will be available starting at 5:15 pm, with kids going off to age-based groups at 6:00 pm.

To provide the best-resourced experience for First Wednesdays, families will need to register no later than Monday, May 3rd.

As we gather, we ask that families follow social distancing guidelines, with adults and school age children wearing masks at all times away from the family dinner table. Families should remain at their assigned dinner table until the departure for age-based groups and outdoor adult conversations. We will have interactivities at the tables for the kids.

We will send out text reminders one week and four days before the First Wednesdays. To receive text reminders, text "UBCkids" to (844) 947-6161.

Use this form to sign up and pre-pay for your family's meal:

An Open Conversation About Music, May 12

UBC musicians and friends are invited to join in a conversation about music at UBC. We will discuss how and when to reincorporate some musical elements into worship and consider new possibilities. This meeting is open to all, including any who have previously shared their musical gifts with UBC, those who might consider doing so in the future, or anyone who simply has an interest in the music at our church going forward.

This hybrid event will take place in person and online on Wednesday, May 12, at 6:15 p.m. Online participants can join via Zoom using the meeting ID 440 670 1580. The password for the meeting will be ubc.

Please notify Justin ( if you plan to attend the event in person, as this will help with planning.

Young Adults Night Out, May 21, 5:30-8 PM

Do you need some time with other young adults of UBC around your age on a Friday once per month? Join our Young Adults Night Out on the third Fridays, 5:30-8:00 pm, starting on May 21.

The group will gather at a local restaurant for outdoor dining. Realizing not everyone can arrive by 5:30 pm, plan on joining the group as you are able.

If you have kids, you can drop them off at the church, beginning at 5:15 pm, for dinner and activities for $10 for the first child and $5 for each additional child.

Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 19 here: . The restaurant location will be text to you.

Connect Groups

You may now sign up online on the UBC website:

MISSIONS Care Packages for Highland Elementary Staff

We invite you to collaborate with our partners at Highland Elementary by providing care packages for the staff.

We invite you to sign up to provide a care package for one of these 44 staff members. The care package should include 2 or 3 small food treats (cookies, candy, chips, crackers, nuts, etc.), a bottle of water, notepad or box of note cards, kitchen towel (maybe with a bottle of kitchen soap), and something relaxing for a bath (body wash, lotion, etc.)

We want to equip you to be the hands and feet of Jesus by pouring time, care, and attention into making one of these packages. This is why we are asking you to prepare the packages versus donating to the project.

Once you have purchased the items, drop by the church office to fill one of the official package bags, and write a personal note to put on the finishing touch. The office will be open on Sundays 9-11:30 am, and, Monday through Thursday, 9 am-4:30 pm.

Our goal is to take the bags to Highland Elementary on Wednesday, May 5th.

Spring Mini Gardens

For more information, contact Eric at or visit

Outdoor Yard Sale, May 15th

The UBC Ecuador Team will host an Outdoor Yard Sale on Saturday, May 15, 7:30-11:30 am. All proceeds will benefit the 2022 Ecuador Mission Immersion.

We are not collecting a particular list of items for the sale. Please do NOT bring the following items: Clothes, Kitchen Knick-Knacks, Silverware, Kitchen serving plates, Coffee Mugs and Cups, Books, VHS tapes, Large exercise equipment, Broken or not confident if it is not working items, Baby cribs and beddings, Baby car seats, Computers, Washers or Dryers, Magazines, In poor condition art and picture frames.

Before dropping an item off in the Chapel building's collection area, please stop by the church office for instructions. Contact the office to schedule the pick up of oversized items, such as furniture.

We also need three types of volunteers:

1. Organizers, pricing and pairing items on the day before the sale

2. Shift workers at the sale

3. Check-out clerks

You can sign up for one of these here or by calling the office:



Worship via Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom

Join us for a live-streamed worship service at 10:30 a.m. via any of the following platforms:

Zoom: Join Meeting ID: 923-023-246-4

password is: ubc

English Conversation

Topic: Cinco De Mayo

Please use the link below to download the lesson:

Download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app on your phone or computer and type in this meeting ID:


password: ubc


Sunday Morning Volunteers

With the campus starting to host more participants on Sundays, we need more volunteers to greet. Please contact Andy ( if you can help with the 9 am or 10:15 am greeting rotation.


How To Give

Save The Dates


How to Live Stream Worship

To view Live Stream worship click on the links below:

To join worship via Zoom, you can either call with a normal phone or use a smart device.

  • Call 312-626-6799

  • Enter the Meeting ID Number 9230232464 and press #

  • Press # again

  • Using the Zoom App:

    • Enter the Meeting ID Number 9230232464

    • Enter the password “ubc”

Help With Sunday Worship Stream Quality

UBC is currently investigating ways to improve the quality of our online video presence during Sunday worship gatherings. We are looking for people who are interested in helping in the design or execution of our Worship streaming experience.

Volunteers can help with many different aspects of the project including planning equipment, software, and workflow upgrades; equipment installation; running a camera; or just being part of a rotation that monitors the soundboard or keynote during worship on Sundays.

Prior experience in video production, live sound, or social media is welcome, but not required. We are willing to provide training, if needed. To volunteer, please contact Justin (

COVID-19 Phase Guideline Implementation

While in-person worship allowed for churches, it is still recommended that those most susceptible to the virus continue to worship from home. If you have shown any symptoms of the virus in the last 14-days, please remain at home. Participants in church activities must wear a face mask for the full duration of their time on campus, as well as maintain 6-feet of distance between themselves and others.

On Sundays, participants should remain in their cars until 9:10 am for the 9:15 am Spiritual Formation and Sunday School start. Click link below to view.

Sunday School and Spiritual Formation Group Temporary Meeting Spaces

As some of our classes begin to return to campus for hybrid in-person and online meetings, the following are the temporary meeting spaces for the groups. Please maintain six feet of distance and where your mask while your class is meeting. View a larger image here.


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