UBC Office Holiday Closure

Spring Soccer Academy 2025
Early Registration Open!

Click the link below to register today!
Young Adults Night Out

Sign up at the link below:
Spiritual Formation Series

If you weren’t able to join us last night for the presentation on Buddhism,
you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwIeviptz4
Please contact Tanya at tanya@ubc-br.org if you need childcare or a ride.
Churchwide Bowling Event

Come bowling with us on January 26! Churchwide time of fun after worship
at Red Stick Social (1503 Government Street). Lunch will be available with
sign-up by January 15th. Lunch is Chicken Fingers or Burger Sliders, mac
and cheese, french fries, and lemonade. Cost is $5 to bowl without a
meal, $15 for a kids portion and $20 for an adult portion of lunch. If you
are eating, you don't have to also pay $5 for bowling. And if you don't want
to bowl or eat, you are welcome to come and watch the fun.
Deadline Extended - Register by tonight!
Please sign up here:
Upcoming: Women’s Bible Study

New Mission Ministry Team

Worship Participation

We want you to help lead in worship! Fill out this form or talk to Rachel Mann about all the ways you can participate in worship leadership.
Jotform link:

Upcoming: GRF Annual Gathering 2025

Spiritual Formation
Do you have a Sunday School class?
If not, we would love to get you connected!
If you have any questions, email Eric at eric@ubc-br.org
or call the church office (225-766-9474).
Church of the Nations
English Conversation Meals Starting Again!

We are always so grateful for those who generously contribute a meal for our English Conversation group. Registration is open for 2025 meals!
Go to the link below to sign up for the week of your choice:

General Information
Youth Group

It’s time to start thinking about the summer trip! Here
is some information about the camp we attend: https://www.unidiversity.org/
Fill out this Jotform to let Mrs. Rachel know if you plan to go on the trip this year:
Family Tree Café

Listen on Spotify

Interested in listening to some of the
new songs we've been doing in worship?
Check out our new "UBC BR Worship" Spotify Playlist:
Prayer Web

How To Give

