This SUNDAY, July 23

This Sunday, July 23, we will hold our second and final
Summer Gathering at UBC. This is such an important time in our community – we intentionally set aside time to be together sharing food, laughter and creativity in a relaxed and fun environment. We hope you will join us!
Dinner will be pizza, and we have three different types
of activities for everyone to enjoy:
Tabletop games - Board games, cards, dominoes, etc.
Active games - pool, foosball, ping-pong and Wii bowling, etc.
Crafts - Creating greeting cards
Please make plans to join us - registration is not required, but it will help us know how much pizza to order. When you register, you can also sign up to bring
a dessert, drink or appetizer. Feel free to bring your favorite game or crafting supplies!
Sign up today at https://form.jotform.com/231635454959164. We’ll see you Sunday!
Pastor Installation & Celebration

On the morning of August 6, UBC will hold a special worship service and fellowship lunch celebrating the installation of Jon and Tanya Parks as our Co-Pastors. Please make plans to join us, and look for upcoming announcements about ways you can be a part of this special day! That day, we're asking all UBC members and friends to contribute to two special projects:
BLESSING - We're asking everyone to write a prayer or message of blessing for Jon and Tanya as they begin this new calling. We will collect and present them on that Sunday morning.
VISION - We're also asking each person to write at least one hope, vision or prayer for UBC as we begin this new chapter of our congregation's life. We'll combine these into a physical display that we'll add to in the following weeks of August.
Please give some thought to what you'll write for these two projects. If you’ll be present on August 6, come ready to write your blessing and vision – we’ll give you time in the Spiritual Formation Hour and before worship to write them. If you can’t be present on August 6, please send your blessings and vision by email to communications@ubc-br.org so we can include them in the day's events.
Sermon on the Mount Combined Series:
This Sunday, July 23

Join us this Sunday, July 23 as we continue our combined
Sunday School series on the Sermon on the Mount!
Save the Dates

Fall Soccer Academy:
Early Registration OPEN!

To Sign up; scan the QR code above or click the link below! https://form.jotform.com/231836238044152
Kids: Summer Events

Kids' Club - July 20:
YANO - July 21:
Knock Knock Museum - July 30:
TONIGHT: July 20!
UBC Kids' Club Last Session

Kids ages 2-11 come join us this summer for Kids' Club.
We'll have games, singing, crafts, a Bible story, and plenty of time for FUN!
Please sign up in advance so we can prepare for you.
Each child is $5 per session. Thursday from 5-7:30 pm.
To Sign up; scan the QR code above or click the link below!
UBC Kids' Club: Volunteers Needed

To Sign up to volunteer; scan the QR code above or click the link below!
Palacios House of Arts:
Summer Camp 2023!

Young Adults Night Out

To Sign up; scan the QR code above or click the link below!
Family Night Out
New Location!

This month we'll be meeting at Mr. Gatti's on Essen.
All sizes, types, and ages of families are welcome!
Youth: Escape Room Outing!

Meet at 13th Gate Escape (800 St Philip St, Baton Rouge, LA 70802) no later than 11:00am! We will be there at 10:45am in case you need to drop off a little early.
Pick up time will be 12:30pm.
To Sign up; scan the QR code above or click the link below! https://form.jotform.com/231854416707156
Kids’ Outing: Knock Knock Museum

To Sign up; click the link below!
MDO: We're Hiring!


International Bible Study

Now is a great time to come to International Bible Study!
This group is open to anyone who wants to understand the Bible better, whether you are a lifelong Christian, a new Christian, or have never read the Bible before! We welcome anyone, and there is no commitment to come!
If you have questions, email Eric at eric@ubc-br.org.
Worship will be held in the CHAPEL.

Kindness Bags!

We still have lot of bags – please pick up a few to carry with you,
and give them as you see someone who might need one!

Palacios House of Arts

How To Give
Prayer Web
