Quarterly Business Meeting Reminder

Keep in Your Prayers

Next Summer Gathering: August 14th

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our Next Summer Gathering on August 14th!
Fall Soccer Academy: Early Bird Registration

Early Bird Soccer Registration ends August 8th! Don’t be late. Find out all you need to know at www.ubc-br.org/academy
Blessing of the Backpacks: August 7th

Bring your Backpack Sunday, August 7th to Worship for a time of blessing over your next school year.
Barnabas Project Partners: August 7th

Our August Barnabas Project Partners is coming up on August 7th!
Churchwide Work Day: August 13th

Reminder: We need your help on a Church wide campus cleanup! Please come at 8:00AM Saturday, August 13th to help make UBC shine!
Youth Summer Events

Mark your calendars if you are in Youth Group. We have summer events heading your way! Sign up using this link to let us know you’ll be coming!
Register here:
Our Previous Kids’ Club: July 10th

We will be rescheduling our outing to The Little Gym for sometime in September. Keep a look out for updates!
Kid's Summer Schedule is Here!

Sign up your family for our Summer Schedule Events all Summer long! We will be doing various outings which are fun for the whole family. All you need is to register and show up with a smile! We hope you’ll join Mrs. Tanya for a fun filled summer!
MDO is Hiring: Teachers and Teacher's Aides

Mother’s Day Out is hiring for the 2022-2023 school year! We are hiring Teachers and Teacher’s Aides. If you are interested in applying to either position, please visit our website ubc-br.org to find job descriptions and how to apply.
MDO is Looking for: Infant Teachers

Mother’s Day Out is hiring for the 2022-2023 school year!We are hiring Infant Teachers. If you are interested in applying to either position, please visit our website ubc-br.org to find job descriptions and how to apply.
UBC Adult Sunday School Video Series

NOOMA is a video series produced by Flannel that "blends everyday events with discussion about God.”
The name NOOMA comes from a phonetic spelling of the
Greek word pneuma, meaning "wind or spirit". The video series was created featuring Christian teacher Rob Bell.
There will be coffee and pastries in the Brides Room as well.
Prayer Requests
Video (approximately 10 minutes)
Closing prayer
Louisiana Bags of Hope: Thank You UBC!

Car Donation Search

Prayers for our Ecuador Team

Volunteer with UBC

As UBC grows we need your help and support! Consider one of the many volunteer options above to lend your time and leadership back into UBC! We are so appreciative of our volunteers!
Worship in the Sanctuary

Contact eric@ubc-br.org for more information.

Save The Dates
