Revised Pastor Search Committee Ballot
We have now included ALL individuals who where nominated. The earlier ballots you received will be discarded. Please vote again!

Welcome Taylor and Meridith!

We would like to give a big welcome to our newest members of UBC: Taylor and Meridith Pack! We're so happy to have you both at UBC! Please welcome them into our church and take a moment to introduce yourself when you have the chance.
Thank You Grill Pro 360!

Stephen Smith and the team at Grill Pro 360 recently cleaned and serviced two grills at the church in preparation for our upcoming Summer Gatherings, and they did fantastic work! They blessed the church with a free cleaning in exchange for letting you know about their services and good work. For a limited time, you can receive $25 off your first service with Grill Pro 360 by mentioning that you heard about them through UBC.
Call them at 833-Grill-Pro or 833-474-5577
Summer Gathering: June 12th

Join us June 12th at 4PM for our first Summer Gathering! Choose from activities: Crochet, Board Games, Scavenger Hunt, or helping in Kids’ Club! Use the QR code above to sign up and tell us what activity you’ll be attending. Dinner of hotdogs and hamburgers will be held after our gathering activities. See you there!
Barnabas Project Partners

Hang out with your partner and have some great food from Jason's Deli! If your partner is unable to be there, come anyway, we'll partner you up with someone else for the day!
Sign up here:
Retirees' Luncheon

Retirees’ Luncheon will be held at its regular meeting place for June 8th. We hope to see you there!
Young Adult's Night Out

Join us Friday June 17th for our monthly Young Adult’s Night Out! The group will gather at a local restaurant for dining.
If you have kids, you can drop them off at the church, beginning at 5:15 pm, for dinner and activities for $10 for the first child and $5 for each additional child.
Please sign up up here:
H.O.P.E Grief Support Groups

The Hospice of Baton Rouge would like to invite you to their H.O.P.E Grief Support Group. This 6-Week support group will be held at UBC’s Heritage Room Thursday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. All groups are provided to the public at no charge.
You can log-on to our website at: https://hospicebr.org/bereavement for more information. To reserve your spot or you may also contact Christine Brasseaux at The Hospice of Baton Rouge at (225) 341-9703 or (225) 767-4673.
Volunteer with UBC

As UBC grows we need your help and support! Consider one of the many volunteer options above to lend your time and leadership back into UBC! We are so appreciative of our volunteers!
Join UBC's Choir

Love to sing? Want to also serve UBC? Join Choir and come rehearse with us on Wednesday's 6:30pm - 7:30pm to sing on Sunday mornings.

Ecuador Supplies Support

UBC’s Ecuador Mission Immersion is just WEEKS away.
We are beginning now to collect key hygiene and medical items for the trip. You can partner with us by dropping of the following items in marked bins in the Narthex and Office: toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, feminine products, pocket containers of lotion, bars of soap, Band Aids, individual alcohol wipes, nail filers, wash clothes, and gallon zip-lock bags.
Kindness Bags: In the Narthex

Combined Worship in the Sanctuary this Sunday

Contact eric@ubc-br.org for more information.
Church of the Nation's Summer Kickoff

If you’re a member of CON or English Conversation, join us for our Summer Kickoff with great Louisiana food! We hope to see you at 6:30PM to enjoy a free meal, hanging out, and practicing English! RVSP BELOW:
Kid's Summer Schedule is Here!

Kids Club Registration

Kid’s Club registration is here! This FREE 2 hour camp is held on June 12th, July 10th, and August 14th for children 2yrs-5th grade. Use the QR code above to sign up for Kid’s Club SEPARATELY from our Children’s Summer Schedule!
UBC’s Summer Gathering’s also correspond with our Kids Club dates, so drop your child at Kids Club and then join us at a Summer Gathering event.
Help Wanted in Children's Ministry

We need your help in the Children’s Ministry! If you think you can help with any of the above needs, contact tanya at tanaya@ubc-br.org

Save The Dates
