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The Window: June 7th, 2022

The Pane: Change is Ahead

In a letter to a friend, Benjamin Franklin first used a phrase that’s been a part of American vocabulary ever since: "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."

I greatly respect Franklin's wisdom, but I’d add one more thing to his list – death, taxes and change.

Change is one of the only constants we can depend on. Pretty much everything changes, whether it’s sudden change, or gradual over the course of millennia. But no matter how much we understand this truth, we still put so much of our human energy into trying to keep things the same!

As I’ve learned about the UBC community, I see a congregation that has grown and shifted a lot through the years… and especially in these last few months. When a minister leaves there’s always a time of transition, but you’ve experienced so much more – several new families, new groups using the facilities, air conditioning issues, the departure of some integral members of the community.

And on top of all this, the lingering effects of the pandemic and wondering, “will things ever get back to the way they were before?”

The short answer is: No, they won’t. And they shouldn’t.

This congregation has made shifts before, and it will keep shifting in the future. And here’s the thing – you’re good at changing! God calls us to change, and challenges us to meet the needs of a world that’s always changing – and you’ve done that so well through the years as this community has changed and grown. That won’t stop – God will keep calling us forward, and forward and forward…

One of the shifts you’ve made recently is establishing an online worship presence. It’s required some changes to the way we do things, and the staff and volunteers are so grateful for your patience while we work out these issues! We’ve navigated internet issues and equipment upgrades, and we believe we’ve found a way to make our online worship more reliable. If you have any concerns or ideas about this, please contact Justin Langford.

But this is only one of the changes taking place. As we move through this time of transition, it’s crucial to ask ourselves – Who are we, and where are we right now? (In other words, not, “Where were we and how can we get back there?”)

Change is coming, and it’s already here. What are the needs God’s calling us to meet now? How can we rise to the challenge with joy and excitement?

Grace and Peace,

Jon Parks

University Baptist Church


Quarterly Business Meeting Reminder

Summer Gathering

Our next Summer Gathering is July 10th at 4pm. Join us for either Disc Golf, Succulent Planting, or a Music Jam Session! Don’t forget to sign your child up for our FREE Kids' Club. While you enjoy Summer Gathering, your child will be enjoying all the fun of Kids' Club! Dinner will be served after activities!

Fall Soccer Academy: Early Bird Registration

Early Bird Soccer Registration opens July 6th! Don’t be late!

Find out all you need to know at



Get to Know the New Faces of UBC

Welcome Mavis Guelker to UBC!

Please welcome our newest member Mavis Guelker to UBC! When you have the time, please personally welcome her to our church and introduce yourself! We are happy to have you Mavis!

Retirees' Outing: Water Campus

Our Retirees’ will be having an outing July 13th at The Water Campus. Meet up as a group at 11:30AM OR just meet us there by 1:15PM. We Hope to see you there!

Please Register HERE:

YANO: July 15th

Mark your calendars for our monthly Young Adult’s Night Out on July 15th! Sign up with the link above!

Session 4: Grief Support Group

Join us for our 4th session in The Hospice’s Grief Support Group - June 23rd at 6:30 PM. We hope to see you Thursday for support and growth through grief.



Youth Summer Events

Mark your calendars if you are in Youth Group. We have summer events heading your way! Sign up using this link to let us know you’ll be coming!

Register here:



Kids’ Club: July 10th

We had so much fun at our first Kids' Club! The next camp date is now July 10th for children 2yrs-5th grade. UBC’s Summer Gatherings also correspond with our Kids Club dates, so drop your child at Kids Club and then join us at are next Summer Gathering event!

Kid's Summer Schedule is Here!

Sign up your family for our Summer Schedule Events all Summer long! We will be doing various outings which are fun for the whole family. All you need is to register and show up with a smile! We hope you’ll join Mrs. Tanya for a fun filled summer!



MDO is Hiring: Teachers and Teacher's Aides

Mother’s Day Out is hiring for the 2022-2023 school year! We are hiring Teachers and Teacher’s Aides. If you are interested in applying to either position, please visit our website to find job descriptions and how to apply.

MDO Thanks You!



Volunteer with UBC

As UBC grows we need your help and support! Consider one of the many volunteer options above to lend your time and leadership back into UBC! We are so appreciative of our volunteers!

Help Wanted in Children's Ministry

We need your help in the Children’s Ministry! If you think you can help with any of the above needs, contact tanya at



CBF Louisiana Bags of Hope

The Bags of Hope is a CBF effort to provides school supplies for children attending public school. The contribution goal to Bags of Hope is $1000. One member of our congregation has pledged to match all contributions up to a total of $500 to help reach this goal by July 17. This is an opportunity for you to help bring about a little of the Kingdom of God with its compassion, hope, and encouragement for needy children. If you have any questions, Ron Perritt, who is on the Together for Hope Board, will be glad to provide more information.

To give by check: Make your check out to "CBF LA" with "Bags of Hope" on the memo line. Put it in the offering plate or bring it by the church office.

To give cash: Please put money in an offering envelope and write "Bags of Hope" on the outside. Put the envelope in the offering plate or bring it by the church office.

Please remember: the deadline is July 17th!



Worship in the Chapel

Contact for more information.





Save The Dates

How To Give


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