The Pane: What Does It Mean to Become a Member of UBC?

A few months ago, I became the owner of a professional sports franchise. That’s right. I joined the likes of Gayle Benson of the New Orleans Saints, Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys, and Shahid Khan of the Jacksonville Jaguars in becoming a part-owner of the Green Bay Packers. To be clear, I own 1/2,000,000 of the team, as I possess two shares of the team’s public stock.
Most of us are owners of stock shares in some company or another. We are probably members of some club or organization.
For the most part, our membership is merely a social agreement to seek the betterment of the club or organization. And while we might serve in some official leadership role, such as a board, we go about the rest of our daily living with no direct imprint from the comings and goings of that organization. Lord, I hope I never get voted onto our neighborhood’s HOA board.
But what about membership in a church? What does that mean exactly? What does that entail? What does that require of me? Why do we even need members in the first place?
From a theological standpoint, the local church is intended to be the incarnational expression of God’s good work in the world. As followers of Jesus, we are part of his body, actively seeking to redeem the world through the Gospel message and ministry.
As John Donne so poetically put it, “No man is an island onto himself.” While salvation comes to an individual through faith in and following Jesus, the faith journey cannot be taken alone, for we cannot be the body of Christ unto our lonesome selves.
We exist together because Jesus calls us to bring our best selves to his body, to share our giftedness, strengths, resources, time, and passions while mutually benefiting from others doing the same. Together we worship, are formed to become more like Jesus, serve each other, build relationships, and meet the needs of our community through ministry.
Membership in a local church is an outward symbol of an inward spiritual commitment we are making to God and to God’s people to fulfill all these things. As members of a local church, we commit to the excellence of God’s transforming work in the world.
Not only does becoming a member allow us to flourish from the mutual sharing of our best selves with the church, but it also opens the opportunity to serve in various leadership roles, whether volunteering in key areas or serving on critical committees.
UBC receives members in three main ways:
If you are coming to faith in Jesus and want to be baptized.
If you are transferring your membership from another church.
If you have already been baptized but wish to state your intentions to join the church.
As many participants in the life of UBC come from different denominational traditions and since we have been dealing with an over 24-month pandemic with many people continuing to remain at home, we want to take the opportunity to clarify how to join and extend an invitation to unite with UBC.
At the same time, UBC needs to update its administrative and communication records, allowing participants to help us clarify when they joined the church, update their contact information, and provide an emergency contact.
In the coming weeks, you will have the opportunity to fill out an online form, mail in a physical form to the office, or submit an insert from the worship guide to help us update our records. So be on the lookout for the ways you can update your information by taking five minutes to fill out a form for each member of your household.
If you would like to set up a time to talk with me (Andy Hale, Senior Pastor), please call the office (225-766-9474) or email (andy@ubc-br.org).
UBC Business Meeting March 20th

We are holding a Business meeting after are Sunday Worship on March 20th. In-Person or Zoom.
Communion March 20th

We will hold Communion on Sunday March 20th. We hope to see you there!
Communication and Membership Update

UBC is updating its communication and membership records to more effectively communicate and connect. In the coming weeks, you will have the opportunity to fill out an online form, mail in a physical form to the office, or submit an insert from the worship guide to help us update our records.
Complete your form before April 1st, and your name will be automatically entered into a pool for several prizes, including gift cards to local restaurants.
If you would like to set up a time to talk with the pastor about becoming a member, please call the office (225-766-9474) or email (andy@ubc-br)
If you would like to learn more about the Communication and Membership Update, check out: https://www.ubc-br.org/post/the-pane-what-does-it-mean-to-become-a-member-of-ubc
MDO Staffing Update

The end of the school year will see a leadership transition as Amber Authement, MDO Director, will begin a new exciting chapter in her family's life.
Throughout the pandemic, Amber Authement has been a pivotal leader as we have sought to bring excellence and the best standards to our MDO program. In addition, she has brought sustainability during a very uncertain time in the life and work of early childhood education.
In collaboration with the MDO Ministry Team and Senior Pastor, the Personnel Committee will lead the transition, opening for new applicants over the next few weeks, hoping to find a replacement by the end of April.
UBC's Spring Gathering

UBC will host its annual Spring Gathering on Sunday, April 3, on our Highland Road front lawn. This year’s event will feature a Meadow Ride, Bunny Hop (Trunk or Treat style egg share), lots of games, a free meal, and a silent bake auction.
Participants are encouraged to bring an Easter basket to collect all the goodies and a generous heart to contribute to the silent bake auction, benefiting our mission partnership in Ecuador.
This free experience is designed for all ages to enjoy, so please come and invite friends, family, and neighbors.
Parking will be available on the ball field parking lot with limited parking on the Highland side of the campus.
Volunteers Needed for UBC’s Spring Gathering
To help make the Spring Gathering a reality, we need your help. Sign up by using the following link above, click image, or by contacting the office.
Donate Items for Spring Gathering Bake Auction
The Ecuador Team will host a silent bake auction at the April 3rd Spring Gathering. We need a variety of bakers to provide a plethora of treats for the sale. Register today to donate a delicious treat for the sale: https://form.jotform.com/220465337845157
UBC's Easter Brunch

Save the date to remember we will be having Easter Brunch after worship on April 17th.
Barnabas Project Partners

Are you in a Barnabas Projection connection? The Barnabas Project is an intergenerational connection between retirees and children with their families at UBC.
In February and March, our Barnabas Project Partners had the opportunity to share why they loved their partner. For the next few weeks, we’ll be highlighting some of those responses. For the complete collection, visit the Kids’ Corner in the Narthex.
To start your Barnabas Project connection, reach out to Tanya, Minister of Children and Retirees, at 225-766-9474 or tanya@ubc-br.org.
Special Note:
We will not be meeting the first week of April.
Join us May 1 after church for a meal with your partners.
More information to follow.
We Need Your Help as Our Church Grows

As out church continues to grow, we need your help. Consider volunteering for one of the above.
Choir is Back

The choir is back! We are currently rehearsing Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Music Suite. All are welcome. Previous experience not required. Safety precautions include masks and distancing. Join us! Contact justin@ubc-br.org for more information.
Pick Up Your Kindness Bags

Over 300 Kindness Bags were made at the January 30th Missions Sunday. They are simple food and hygiene kits you can keep in your car to give to someone in need.
Pick up a bag at the office during the week or grab one in the Narthex on Sundays.
UBC Stained-Glass Christmas Ornaments
For informant how to purchase your ornament, click the image above.
Ecuador Support Project
All contributions should be labeled “Ecuador Support Project.” You can also donate online here: https://form.jotform.com/213325214630140
Thursday Prayer Group is Back!

The group meets every Thursday over Zoom at 12:30pm. We will be reading Walking The Way by John Dear.
Join us on Zoom.
Zoom ID: 570-645-5793
Password: ubc
UBC's Flowering of the Easter Cross

Save the Date for this special day of worship where we will be flowering the Easter Cross.
Worship in the Chapel this Sunday

Contact eric@ubc-br.org for more information.
Magician David Garrard March 20th
Mark your calendars and join us March 20th to see Magician David Garrad put on a magical experience! You can now buy tickets and register your family! Click the image or follow the link here: https://form.jotform.com/220653350657152
Save The Dates

How To Give
Mask Policy Update
Click on the image above to review our updated mask policy.
