The Pane: Next is Tackled With Dynamic Collaboration

As all churches consider what next looks like after the pandemic, it would be easy to view their situation as scarce.
And why not? We’ve been separated and scattered for over a year, with countless facing job loss, sickness, death, and uncertainty. Even with some gathering in person, this can feel like we are all living on islands unto ourselves.
I’m reminded of a passage from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church. They, too, were experiencing isolation, though one of their own making. In-fighting, jealousy, cliques, superficial hierarchy, and selfishness pushed them further and further apart.
So, Paul writes with a message of unity. He reminds them that though they are separated, they are part of but one body. The church is Jesus’ body. And each one of them is a part of the body, bringing personal significance to its composition.
And when you begin to see yourself as inseparably a part of Jesus’ body, the anxiety and fear of scarcity begin to go away. The body of Christ is not a limited vessel but one of abundant possibilities.
And out of their unified abundance, Paul calls them to love each other and the world around them with patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control, mercy, and drive.
Outdoor Yard Sale, May 15th

The UBC Ecuador Team will host an Outdoor Yard Sale on Saturday, May 15, 7:30-11:30 am. All proceeds will benefit the 2022 Ecuador Mission Immersion.
We are not collecting a particular list of items for the sale. Please do NOT bring the following items: Clothes, Kitchen Knick-Knacks, Silverware, Kitchen serving plates, Coffee Mugs and Cups, Books, VHS tapes, Large exercise equipment, Broken or not confident if it is not working items, Baby cribs and beddings, Baby car seats, Computers, Washers or Dryers, Magazines, In poor condition art and picture frames.
Before dropping an item off in the Chapel building's collection area, please stop by the church office for instructions. Contact the office to schedule the pick up of oversized items, such as furniture.
We also need three types of volunteers:
1. Organizers, pricing and pairing items on the day before the sale
2. Shift workers at the sale
3. Check-out clerks
You can sign up for one of these here or by calling the office: http://bit.ly/yardsalevolunteers.
Communion on May 16th

Alone is not what this faith journey with Jesus is designed to be. No, Christ beckons us to collaborate to redeem God’s world one person at a time. Together, we have abundant resources (people, talents, strengths, creativity, expertise, assets, etc.). Together, we can accomplish mighty things.
Are we willing to bring our best selves to the body of Christ? Are we ready to equip the giftedness within all of our members?
May we tackle next together in dynamic collaboration.
Young Adults Night Out, May 21, 5:30-8 PM

Do you need some time with other young adults of UBC around your age on a Friday once per month? Join our Young Adults Night Out on the third Fridays, 5:30-8:00 pm, starting on May 21.
The group will gather at a local restaurant for outdoor dining. Realizing not everyone can arrive by 5:30 pm, plan on joining the group as you are able.
If you have kids, you can drop them off at the church, beginning at 5:15 pm, for dinner and activities for $10 for the first child and $5 for each additional child.
Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 19 here: www.ubc-br.org/post/young-adults-night. The restaurant location will be text to you.
Graduation Recognition, June 6th

Phasing Out Zoom for Worship by June 6th

Help With Sunday Worship Stream Quality

UBC is currently investigating ways to improve the quality of our online video presence during Sunday worship gatherings. We are looking for people who are interested in helping in the design or execution of our Worship streaming experience.
Volunteers can help with many different aspects of the project including planning equipment, software, and workflow upgrades; equipment installation; running a camera; or just being part of a rotation that monitors the soundboard or keynote during worship on Sundays.
Prior experience in video production, live sound, or social media is welcome, but not required. We are willing to provide training, if needed. To volunteer, please contact Justin (justin@ubc-br.org).
UBC’s Together After: Weekly Dialogue in Sunday School & Spiritual Formation Groups

As a part of our church’s discernment about what “Next” holds after the pandemic, we are inviting our Sunday School and Spiritual Formation groups to have a brief time at the beginning of each week’s session to pray for UBC and to discuss a question provided.
In turn, we are asking the group’s leader to send a snapshot of the weekly conversation to Russ Futrell (rwfutrell@gmail.com), Governing Board Chair, and Andy Hale (andy@ubc-br.org), Senior Pastor. These insights will provide meaningful data to the church leadership’s discernment process.
May 16: What have you learned about yourself throughout this pandemic? In this season of life, how has your faith grown or been challenged?
Second Wednesdays, June 9th

We are hosting a Second Wednesday on June 9th. The evening is designed around a social distanced meal in the Fellowship Hall, with kids participating in age-based groups and adults gathering outside to catch up on life.
Meal participants will be assigned an individual table for their family with a pre-packaged meal. The cost is $5 per adult and $3 for kids (2 and older). The meals will be simple with healthy kid-friendly options.
The meal will be available starting at 5:15 pm, with kids going off to age-based groups at 6:00 pm.
To provide the best-resourced experience for First Wednesdays, families will need to register no later than Monday, June 7th.
As we gather, we ask that families follow social distancing guidelines, with adults and school age children wearing masks at all times away from the family dinner table. Families should remain at their assigned dinner table until the departure for age-based groups and outdoor adult conversations. We will have interactivities at the tables for the kids.
Noon Summer Book Club Begins June 10th

Join our Noon Summer Book Club for a bi-weekly conversation about Jemar Tisby’s new book, “How to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity and the Journey Toward Racial Justice,” beginning on June 10th.
The group will meet in-person and online in the Fellowship Hall on the Second and Fourth Thursday of June, July, and August.
Purchase the book on Amazon in digital, audio, and hardback editions.
For those joining via Zoom, use the Mtg ID: 314 698 8114.
Please contact Andy via email (andy@ubc-br.org) or phone (225.766.9474) if you plan to join.
First Summer Gathering & Kids Club, June 13th at 4 PM

Join our first Summer Gathering and Kids Club on June 13 at 4:00 pm.
Kids, ages infant through 5th grade, will enjoy activities, crafts, games, lessons, and dinner. Drop off will occur at the Children’s Branch entrance. Register here by June 10th: https://form.jotform.com/211304851522142 .
Adults can pick one of the following activities: art, beginners’ yoga, board games, or cooking. A dessert social will wrap up the event at 5:45 pm. Please sign up for one of the activities by clicking on this link or calling the office: https://form.jotform.com/211304748703047 .
The Summer Gatherings are intended to be a time to build stronger connections within and through UBC. We hope you will not only participate but invite others to join you.
Connect Groups

You may now sign up online on the UBC website: www.ubc-br.org/cg
Spring Mini Gardens

For more information, contact Eric at eric@ubc-br.org or visit ubc-br.org/mini-garden

Worship via Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom

Join us for a live-streamed worship service at 10:30 a.m. via any of the following platforms:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ubcbr/
YouTube: http://bit.ly/ubcbryt
Zoom: Join Meeting ID: 923-023-246-4
password is: ubc
English Conversation
Topic: Censorship

Please use the link below to download the lesson:
Download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app on your phone or computer and type in this meeting ID:
password: ubc
Sunday Morning Volunteers

With the campus starting to host more participants on Sundays, we need more volunteers to greet. Please contact Andy (andy@ubc-br.org) if you can help with the 9 am or 10:15 am greeting rotation.
Financials at UBC

How To Give

Save The Dates

How to Live Stream Worship

To view Live Stream worship click on the links below:
YouTube: https://bit.ly/ubcbryt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ubcbr
To join worship via Zoom, you can either call with a normal phone or use a smart device.
Call 312-626-6799
Enter the Meeting ID Number 9230232464 and press #
Press # again
Using the Zoom App:
Enter the Meeting ID Number 9230232464
Enter the password “ubc”
Sunday School and Spiritual Formation Group Temporary Meeting Spaces
As some of our classes begin to return to campus for hybrid in-person and online meetings, the following are the temporary meeting spaces for the groups. Please maintain six feet of distance and where your mask while your class is meeting. View a larger image here.

COVID-19 Phase Guideline Implementation

While in-person worship allowed for churches, it is still recommended that those most susceptible to the virus continue to worship from home. If you have shown any symptoms of the virus in the last 14-days, please remain at home. Participants in church activities must wear a face mask for the full duration of their time on campus, as well as maintain 6-feet of distance between themselves and others.
On Sundays, participants should remain in their cars until 9:10 am for the 9:15 am Spiritual Formation and Sunday School start. Click link below to view.
