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The Window: October 19, 2023





There's still time to VOLUNTEER!


Workers Needed for Lake Providence Trip

Our trip to Lake Providence is approaching and we are looking for volunteers who can help us make repairs on the mission house in Lake Providence from

Wednesday, Oct. 25 through Saturday, Oct. 28.

The house, owned by Together For Hope Louisiana (a CBF ministry), is used as an office, community center, and a housing facility for mission teams. Repairs include cleaning and installing awnings, installing storm windows, exterior repairs to the front stoop and eaves, and interior painting. Even if you are not skilled or experienced at any of these tasks, we can show you what to do - we need willing hands so we can finish the work!

Note that you do not have to stay for the entire time - you'll be a bit help even if you can only come for a few hours! We'll be sleeping at the mission house and eating locally, so it would also be helpful to have someone willing to help prepare food.

Ready to sign up? Interested but not sure what you can do?

Contact Jon for more information -


Together We Build



Young Adult's Night Out

Sign up at the link below:


Men's Bible Study Kick-Off

Sign up at the link below:


Family Night Out


Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays @ 9:30am

October 10 - November 21



We need your help!

We have two spots left to fill for an English Conversation

meal on November 17 and December 1!

Sign up at the link below to provide a

meal for international students!

If you have question email Eric at


Youth Halloween Movie Night!


Great River Fellowship - Annual Gathering 2023


Retirees Night on the Town

Meet us for dinner every first Tuesday of the month at 5:00.

No need to sign up, just meet us there! If you can't make it by 5:00,

let Tanya know and we'll save a place for you.


Retirees' Movie Night

Get in the Christmas spirit early with this new release. It's a beautiful retelling of the birth of Jesus, including some new music and old faithfuls. We'll be meeting at the Perkins Rowe Cinemark at 3:30. The movie begins at 3:45. While this is a Retirees event, all are invited to join us. Please sign up by November 3 so we can get tickets.



If you have questions, email Eric at



If you have question about the classes we offer, email love for you to join us every Sunday from 9 am to 10 am. If you do not have a Spiritual Formation class, we would love for you to join us. If you have any questions, email Eric at



Worship will be held in the CHAPEL.


Global Wildlife Outing

*Registration required by October 26*



Now is a great time to come to International Bible Study! This group is open to anyone who wants to understand the Bible better, whether you are a lifelong Christian, a new Christian, or have never read the Bible before! We welcome anyone, and there is no commitment to come! If you have questions, email Eric at



Final Game!

Fall Soccer Academy

Sign up to volunteer here:


Now Open: Family Tree Café





How To Give



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