I am awful at Spanish, even though I took a semester of Spanish in college and have been to Ecuador on nine mission immersions. I can’t catch on to the language's tenses and audible linguistic cues.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I can start to get the hang of some of it when I’m around Spanish speaking people for a few days. This was helpful in some conversations this summer in Ecuador.
But, and that’s a big ole but, there are sometimes that I’m so clueless about what is being said. This is why it is important for us to have translators, whether indigenous or team members.
Spiritual discernment is a tricky thing. There is not one authority of translating it. There is not one idea spoken. There is a multitude of applications.
The SGI is a tremendous undertaking. There are a lot of very important and difficult conversations that will take place.
We need translators to translate what we are hearing and how to put it into action. You are those translators.
We need a variety of listeners and sharers to hear and speak truth into this process.
The SGI is an adventure of discernment.
Discernment can be frustrating. It’s sometimes difficult to understand, translate, and put into action what you are hearing.
Discernment is an opportunity for clarification and faithfulness together.
We are inching our way through this process with a launch gathering and the first Second Sunday Team Luncheon. But we are not there yet. We need you, whether you are just now considering joining the process or have been a part of it since its conception.
We all need each other as listeners, translators, and faith-seekers in this adventure.