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UBC Stained-Glass Christmas Ornament

Updated: Nov 4, 2019

The stained-glass window of UBC is one of the most noteworthy fixtures of our University Baptist Church. In February of 1979, this window was donated to the church by Dr. and Mrs. Mack Vick in honor of Dr. Vick's parents, Maurice and Whit Vick. This project was undertaken by Dr. Paul Dufour, a noted stained-glass artist on the LSU faculty.

UBC is working with a local artist to create a Christmas ornament rendering of the sanctuary stained-glass to sell as a fundraiser for the Ecuador Mission Immersion.

The ornaments will cost $30 and will be one pre-order sale until November 15. To pre-order an ornament, please [CLICK HERE]. Orders can also be made in the office during the week.

If you miss the pre-order, some additional ornaments will be available for sale in the office during the week after November 20.

*Please do note that this will be mainly PRE-ORDER SALE, and we will only have few extra ornaments available after the pre-order sale.

*You want to purchase the ornament, but if you are not able to make the suggested donation, please call the office.


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