Strategic Growth Initiative
Why Strategic Growth Initiative?
God’s dream for University Baptist Church has expressed itself in many iterations in the last 72 years. One thing has remained consistent: we are called to faithfully be the presence of Jesus in Baton Rouge.
It is a new chapter of University Baptist Church. It is a chapter filled with an extraordinary opportunity to create authentic community among our members, pivot this community to a sense of openness to Baton Rouge, meet the needs around us in real and unique ways and strengthen our journey together through new opportunities for theological dialogue and spiritual formation.
As we discover the new iteration of God’s dream, we must open our eyes to the growing and changing neighborhood around UBC. Within one square mile of UBC's campus, homes are being flipped by middle-aged and young families, thousands of apartments have been built, startup business are sparking, and 50,000 plus students and faculty converge onto LSU every day.
God is doing something new. However, are we in the position to faithfully step into this new thing God is doing?
UBC has been working on a strategic growth initiative for some time now. We have reevaluated how we encounter guests online (website and social media) and when they join us on Sunday morning (Sunday Experience Initiative). We have reorganized our personnel structure to position the church to care for its current and future needs.
This new phase of the Strategic Growth Initiative is designed to maximize our capacity to love our neighbors and make disciples for Jesus through the expansion of MDO, maturing of Connect Group ministries, Soccer Academy, Arts Academy, Spiritual Formation Groups, intentional process for first time guests into full membership, care training for various group leaders (Spiritual Formation teachers, Deacons, Governing Board, Staff, and care teams), diversifying worship experiences, age-specific recruiting for membership, and other pertinent facets.
Through the Strategic Growth Initiative (SGI), we will consider the message we are presenting (marketing, ministries, worship, etc.), the invitation we are giving, and the connection we make with people while they are with us.
The SGI is a discernment process, not intended to get bogged down with policies, procedures, and committees to the point that a conversation cannot even begin until at least 6-months after the conception of the idea. This process is about substance over form, fluidity over bureaucracy, organic over mechanical, and spiritual over administrative.
The SGI is an invitation into an extraordinary conversation about who we are, why we do what we do, and how we might experience exponential growth. Conversations will lead to brainstorming, testing of ideas, discernment of God’s leadership, and maneuvering to step into new practices.
You Matter to the Process
Each member, whether the newest among us or tenured, has something to bring to this process.
You have immeasurable gifts, strengths, dreams, assets, wisdom, and insights. Each one of us brings a unique piece to the puzzle of this process.
The desire is to engage in a church-wide process, not seeking passive spectators, but active collaborators in the building of a multi-generational church.
This initiative is an invitation to share our presence. Will you join the conversation?
Development of Church-Wide SGI Teams
The Governing Board will serve as an ongoing advisory council to the Strategic Growth Initiative. Through the Governing Board, Ministerial Staff, and Senior Pastor, various teams will be created and enlisted to manage the multiple facets of the initiative. A solitary team should not manage the magnitude of this process; instead, various teams can be created to focus on specific items of the SGI.
In a sense, the SGI will be led by a variety of teams that will encompass church members and staff with the purpose of discerning how God is leading us to grow University Baptist Church.
The desire is for this to be a church-wide collaborative initiative with a vast number of members joining groups that reflect their passions and giftedness.
A potential composition of the group would include members of the Governing Board serving as point persons and/or chairpersons on various teams. These teams could be composed of various enlisted individuals and representatives from specific areas included in the SGI.
The desire is for the teams to work collaboratively, creatively, and strategically. The teams will have a diversity of individuals from various age and ministry groups of UBC.
The teams will partner alongside existing governing bodies, committees, and ministries to implement the initiative.
Beginning in July, UBC will start to receive information about the initiative, the various teams forming, and how to join the process.
On September 8, UBC will host an information session during the Sunday School hour. The goal is to help lay the foundation for the beginning of SGI process, as well as answer questions about the initiative and process. Donuts and coffee will be provided.
On September 22 at 4:30 pm, UBC will host a church-wide gathering, at which we will focus on casting a vision for the initiative and have first meetings of the teams.
UBC will also host second Sunday luncheons for teams to gather for a free meal and meeting time after worship.
Each team will formulate the conversation, measurable goals and objectives, and frequency of their meetings.
The teams will submit updates to the Governing Board and Senior Pastor on a monthly basis.
For more detailed information about the SGI Teams, please see the SGI Team Resource section.