UBC Spiritual Formation
UBC is a faith community that believes Spiritual Formation is an exciting and vital aspect of our faith journey. Between 9:00 and 10:00 am on Sundays, we host a variety of spiritual formation groups on campus.
Infants, Toddlers and Preschool
(9:00 am - 11:45 am)
All classes are downstairs in the Education Building (rooms E100 - E107).
Coordinator: Tanya Parks
Children (1st-5th Grade)
*Check-in takes place in the Education Building
Classes are upstairs in the Education Building (rooms E200 and E201)
Coordinator: Tanya Parks
Youth (6th-12th Grade)
The Student Room is upstairs in the Education Building.
Adult (18 and Older)
Men, age 60+ (room E112)
Teacher: John Hightower
Courage, age 40+ (room C104)
Teacher: Vaughn Crombie
Men, age 55+ (room E111)
Teacher: Max Forbes, Aaron Biggers, & Dave Mixon
Women, age 55+ (room S103)
Teacher: Millicent Hopkins
Hope & Happiness
Women, age 75+ (room F109)
Teacher: Renee Rodi
Internationals (room E113)
Teacher: Eric Fulcher & Class
Women, age 50+ (room E116)
Teachers: Julia Sears and Dawn Ryan
Ages 40+ (room F107).
Teacher: David Patterson
Nomads (Chapel)
An intergenerational and topical class that meets in the chapel. Various teachers and topics throughout the year.
Room F108
Teacher: Chuck Goodwin
Young Adults (20-30 Somethings)
E204 (second floor in the Education Building).
Teachers: Variety
Map of Group Locations: Click here for details.
Interested in joining or learning more about our Spiritual Formation groups? Fill out this form and someone will be in touch with you.