Sunday Worship Gathering
10:30am - Sanctuary
What to Expect:
Worship is an act of community. Therefore, before we venture into the Sanctuary to sing, pray, and meditate, we gather in in the Fellowship Hall for a time of community with coffee. Our hope is that through laughter and the sharing of stories that our hearts will be prepared to worship together.
We recognize that our worship gathering is a microcosm of what it means to worship God through our heart, soul, mind, hands, and words. Our weekly worship gathering reflects our belief that this hour is one of pilgrimage and presence.
Worship is highly participatory, both outwardly and introspectively, allowing for space of celebration and contemplative reflection.
The various texts, meditations, and songs serve to evoke and interpret the worshiper's needs before God: gratitude, confession, reflection, praise, forgiveness, joy, renewal, and commitment.
Each Sunday, we encounter Jesus' table through the partaking of the bread and cup. This is a weekly reminder of Jesus' hospitality and call for us to unite through his body and blood. Most Sundays, we practice communion through intinction, which involves the dipping of a piece of bread into the cup. All are welcome at Jesus' table.
Our hope is that we create a safe and reflective atmosphere where the presence of God can be sensed.
Miss a sermon? Check out our sermon archive!
Come As You Are:
All are invited to come as they are, as we are. Dress as comfortable or as formal as you like. It won’t offend us.
Our desire, though we are not perfect, is to create an experience on Sunday mornings that is empowering, inclusive, compassionate, and hospitable.
Finding UBC:
UBC's campus is located off of Highland Road, between Lee Drive and Kenilworth Parkway. Turn off of Highland Road onto Leeward Drive. Enter the first parking lot on the left.
The sanctuary entrance is under the covered on the far right building.