Young Adults
The Young Adults Ministry is designed to enhance relationships and spiritual formation among our 20 to 30 to 40 somethings. Our two key recurring initiatives are Next Steps and Young Adults Night Out.
Next Steps
Gathering on Sundays at 9:15 am, the Next Steps group has spiritual conversations and studies scripture. The group meets on the second floor of the Education building.
The group is open to new faces and voices. Contact Tanya (tanya@ubc-br.org) if you plan to join.
Young Adults Night Out
Do you need some time with other young adults of UBC around your age on a Friday once per month? Join our Young Adults Night Out on Third Fridays, 5:30-8:00 pm. The group will gather at a local restaurant for dining. Realizing not everyone can arrive by 5:30 pm, plan on joining the group as you are able. If you have kids, you can drop them off at the church, beginning at 5:15 pm, for dinner and activities for $10 for the first child and $5 for each additional child.
Check the blog for the latest information on this month's YANO.
Other Opportunities
UBC believes in the intergenerational church. While some programs and events are geared towards particular age groups, other opportunities are multi-generational, such as church-wide Gatherings, Connect Groups, and Sunday Spiritual Formation Groups.
Feel free to contact Tanya (tanya@ubc-br.org) by email for any questions or concerns.